Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Step your ad game up

While on my summer hiatus, I kept a notepad with me to jot down thoughts and ideas for the blog.

Some of those ideas aren't so timely anymore, some you'll be seeing in the coming days. (weeks)

Well, the folks at Crooksandliars beat me to one.

Barack needs to step his ad game up, big time.

They say what I've been thinking since Barack got spanked in Ohio earlier this year by Hillary .

"It’s not that Obama’s ads are bad by any normal metric. They’re well produced and they usually hit the right themes. The problem is that they’re very conventional. Obama is supposed to exude change. But his ads don’t. They look like the ads we see every election cycle: images, text, and video footage linked together by the voice of a professional narrator. They may be marginally effective, but they are exceedingly forgettable and often make Obama come across as just another politician playing the same old game..."

Read the rest of the article here.


HighJive said...

Could it be that Obama realizes traditional ads don’t influence a voter’s decision? Seriously, when’s the last time you voted for a candidate based on his ad campaign? Now, think about all the ads that made you believe a candidate was stupid (e.g., Hillary’s 3am spot, McCain’s ads ripping Obama that were intended to be funny, etc.). Perhaps Obama is simply using traditional ads to keep his name out there for branding purposes, but ultimately letting the product do the selling. Additionally, it’s no secret that Obama is kicking McCain’s ass in the digital arena. Plus, he’s got influencers creating word-of-mouth via guerrilla efforts—from Obama girl to the Yes We Can video to Oprah. The problem with Crooksandliars’ commentary is it’s rooted in the belief that traditional advertising is effective. Even people who work in traditional advertising agencies know that’s no longer true. The net statement is, Obama’s winning by using nontraditional advertising techniques.

Franklin said...

While I agree with your net statement, I wonder - especially considering how much money is spent in TV - if the campaign is underutilizing the medium.

Considering your question, "Seriously, when’s the last time you voted for a candidate based on his ad campaign?" I'd have to answer a never, because I've never seen such a campaign. However, I'm sure the "Yes We Can" energized and/or excited many Obama supporters and Jesse Helms' Dent ad scared quite a few folks.

Every time there's an election, local, state and federal, the ads just become noise, usually greeted with a healthy dose of cynicism.

I guess my point is, if you're going to spend a grip - and judging from what he spent in OHIO earlier this year is a hellafide grip - why not step it up in the same way they did with the Yes We Can?

Thanks for the comment.